Argentine Monologues, the new show by acclaimed Argentine comedian Martín Campilongo, better known as Campi, produced by Glowstar Media exclusively for Prime Video, will premiere globally on April 10, 2024.
Glowstar Media proudly announces the upcoming release of ARGENTINE MONOLOGUES, a new production starring the celebrated comedian Martín “CAMPI” Campilongo. This exclusive show for Prime Video will debut simultaneously worldwide on April 10, 2024.
In ARGENTINE MONOLOGUES, Campi blends humor, music, and emotion through his five most beloved and acclaimed characters. The show was recorded at the historic Margarita Xirgu Theater in Buenos Aires, where the artist, accompanied by pianist Federico Ruiz, brings these entertaining and moving characters to life before an audience of 2,000.
Produced by Glowstar Media with technical services from Digital1, the production maintains the highest quality standards. Directed by Juani Libonatti, with executive production by Silvana D’Angelo and Agustín Fábregues from Glowstar Media, alongside Hernán Minetti and Leonardo Álvarez from Digital1, the show guarantees an unparalleled viewing experience.
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